Last night Joe and I worked the night shift at the newspaper... and that included covering the grand opening of Hoptown's new farmers market. Here's Joe in his element.

While he did some interviews, I took pictures of cute things. The little boy, Hank, managed to get jambalaya almost everywhere besides his mouth. He did pick up a piece of sausage from the ground and eat it though :-)

My coworker's grandpa was the guest of honor -- he ran a fruit stand where the market now is for the last 30 something years.

There were only nine vendors there ... nothing compared to Urbana's farmer's market we used to frequent when we were at the U of I. But it's nice (in my humble opinion) that the city is making an effort to revitalize a pretty dreary downtown. After the reporting was done, I bought a strawberry pecan bread and some zinnias... which I plan to plant today.
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