Sunday, April 22, 2007

Baked tortilla chips

Last night Joe and I drove through the most idyllic country south of Clarksville, Tenn., on our way to Emily and Rob Stahl's new home for Game Night 3. We didn't really get to the games, but we had some good eating and enjoyed the critters. (see previous posts) For more photos, click here.

So I usually don't prepare a new experiment for friends (I usually reserve those creative and often inedible bursts for Joe) But I decided that instead of running out to buy some expensive Terra Chips to serve with the white bean and caramelized onion dip I learned how to make at the superfoods class, I would make my own flour tortilla chips. Happily, it worked.

I took a stack of maybe 8 tortillas, brushed one side lightly with oil, stacked them, then used a pizza slicer to cut the stack into 6 wedges. I spread the wedges out onto 2 cookie sheets and dusted them with the Kentucky Sweet Rub spice mix we bought from Joe Wilson and some cayenne pepper. Into the oven for 8-10 minutes at 375. They were a hit :-)

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