Our last night in Oregon was spent with Kevin, Becca and Carson Tinter. Kevin and Joe are childhood friends. The Tinters share another bond with us in that they lived in Asia for a time-- Kevin was stationed in Okinawa in the Marines. Carson is just a few months old, but watches his surrounding with bright, alert eyes. He also sleeps through the night with the help of a papoose-like swaddle that Kevin and Becca are adept at creating. Joe and I got a kick out of Carson in the swaddle. He looked like a little caterpillar. We enjoyed fellowship, cards and an awesome dinner (barbecue, baked potato chips and salad) and breakfast (egg casserole, cinnamon rolls) at their house. It was a great send off back to Kentucky.

You can tell Joe really likes Carson.

Another happy twist on our return was an impromptu bluegrass performance on the leg from Vegas to Nashville. The flight attendent at far left coerced these two to play a song in return for a free drink.
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