Sunday, May 20, 2007

Our backyard just got bluer

On Friday I notices some of the bluberries, which have been green for a month, began to blush. Today I snapped this shot... visions of bluberry muffins dancing on my tongue. Yes. My taste buds have an imagination.
As if one miracle wasn't enough, we've finally got our long-awaited, much sought-after, often anticipated pair of bluebirds at the nest box. Here's the female in action. Sorry my hand was so shaky.

1 comment:

teri le blanc said...

Hi Emily-

I am Emily Stahl's mom-n-law

I just wrote a long note and it was erased when I had to create a signon

I love this site of yours, but since it is the end of my lunch hour I will have to rewrite my note again later

Say hi to my em for me