My finished product, billowing hot steam as it came out of the oven at 11 p.m. last night is seen here, along with a little of the process. The top picture is Joe and my lunch... after it had been refrigerated overnight. Not quite what I had in mind (I guess I didn't stuff enough or roll as tightly as I should have). But definitely on the way toward a true (in my mind) stromboli.
If you're interested:
Put in a breadmaker on "dough setting" in this order
1 1/4 cups water
2 T olive oil
4 cups bread flour
2 T sugar
2 tsp salt
seasonings (rosemary, basil etc.)
1 pkg yeast (.25 oz) (make a divet in the flour to hold it)
Pizza or spaghetti sauce of choice, I used Prego mushroom
Sliced mushrooms
Turkey pepperoni
Roll out the dough into a big rectangle... as thin as possible.
Spread on toppings, then roll it up like a rug. Smoosh it flat, without bursting the seams, then pinch the edge of the dough in to seal. Mine obviously came unsealed. So don't really worry about that step. Bake at 425 until it looks done :-) maybe 20 or so minutes?
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