Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Saying goodbye to good friends

Our neighbors, Taizou and Sayaka moved this weekend because Taizou's work transferred him to Michigan. To say goodbye, they had us over for a lovely Japanese meal (seems a little backward right?) As always, the food was delicious.
Scattered sushi (chirashi sushi) some lotus with meatballs attached to the bottoms, a seafood salad, salmon, miso soup and a tasty, slightly sweet chicken dish from a country that neither Joe or I can remember.

After stuffing ourselves, we left the heat and drove to Clarksville for Cold Stone Cremery.
I think the ice cream eaters all enjoyed their desserts, but I have a bone to pick with the parlor for their "Man-go Banana Smoothie" which had neither the mango nor thickness that the name implies. In fact, though it took at least 30 minutes to get through the lumbering line that stretched clear to the door, and it too them at least 5 minutes to get my order together after the other three already had theirs melting in their hands, what I got was syrupy juice that had the vaguest banana flavor with sort of a sunny delight taste. It wasn't frozen. It wasn't mango or man-go-y and it wasn't worth 3.99. But I guess that's what I get for not being able to eat ice cream. :-(

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