Kentucky has been a good culinary experience for me in many ways, but, oh, how I miss me some good Middle Eastern Eat'n! We had dinner at an old college haunt, Aladdin's, after visiting the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. I ordered a tunasteak shwarma rolled. We also shared a pita and hummus appetizer that came with a creamy, garlicky "hot sauce" that reminded me of pimento olives. Joe and I graduated from Case Western Reserve University... henceforth just known as Case after a controversial name change. I think I really started to exhibit my foodie tendencies while I was living in Cleveland. Sure, I grew up loving lots of Asian foods because of my Chinese side. But in Cleveland I got hooked on Shwarma and hummus and soft, thin pitas warm from the oven. I had my first taste of Russian food. First learned about Vietnamese Bun. Enjoyed pizza and cookies in Little Italy. And midnight runs to Presti's for sour cream donuts!

Here's some sweet pics of Munchie and his uncle Jack, who also joined us at Aladdin's. You'll have to excuse my lack of food posts and my lack of good photography. Can I blame it on Stephen? He takes up all my time and my camera's lens!